Moodle Blue Card for students

Here at Oxford Brookes, we have a Blue Card scheme enabling students with specific learning difficulties (SpLDs) to flag their work with a blue card, so the tutor will mark it with due consideration.

There are two ways of submitting a Moodle assignment that might be required to be assessed differently if a student has a specific learning difficulty: the Turnitin assignment, and the Moodle assignment.

Here's what the JavaScript blue card functionality will look like in Moodle.

Please note this is a proof of concept and is not yet available in live Moodle.

First, we run a Moodle query in the background to check whether the student is entitled to a blue card, and only display the blue card button if they are entitled to use it.

Submitting a Turnitin assignment

  1. On the Moodle dashboard, click on the course name.
  2. Click on the Turnitin assignment in the course
  3. Click on the My Submissions tab

  4. Click on the 'Flag with Blue Card' button
  5. Enter your essay title after the words 'Blue Card: ' that have now appeared in the title field

    (if you have already entered your essay title and then click the blue button, it will insert the words 'Blue Card: ' before your title)
  6. Your submission will now be highlighted in blue when your course tutor sees it in the list of submitted assignments

Submitting a Moodle Assignment

  1. On the Moodle dashboard, click on the course name. 
  2. Click on the Moodle Assignment in the course.
  3. Click the 'Flag with Blue Card' button.

  4. This will add a comment of 'Blue Card' with a link to the dyslexia marking scheme.
  5. The tutor will see some text highlighted in blue to say that you have added a comment, and will then check to see if it's a Blue Card link.

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