AngularJS style switcher
It's often the case that you want to provide more than one CSS stylesheet for your app or website. You can do this by including a style switching function in your app. Here's how to do it in AngularJS. In the HTML, create a button for each stylesheet that you want to switch between, and pass in the filename of the stylesheet as a variable: <button ng-click="changeStyle('colors.css')" id="pink">Brookes Pink</button><br /> <button ng-click="changeStyle('colors-lime.css')" id="lime">Brookes Lime</button><br /> <button ng-click="changeStyle('colors-muted.css')" id="muted">Muted colours</button><br /> <button ng-click="changeStyle('colors-dark.css')" id="dark">Dark colours</button> You will also need to put the ng-app attribute in the <html> element, and an angular variable in the path to...